What Does Asking Good Questions Mean?

By Joanna Zuno 4/4/2022

What does it mean to ask questions? And what counts as a good question? A good question is a framed complex thought that cuts straight to the main point and issue. How does asking good questions give us an overall benefit? Let’s assess how making a formulated complex thought helps us achieve more.

It Helps Understanding the Emotional Intelligence of Others

A Harvard Business Review article, “The Surprising Power of Questions,” noticed that questioning is a great form of communication in the workplace or organizations. By asking questions, you are not only absorbing information from cohorts, but you are learning to converse with them by reading them. This can help teamwork be more effective. You establish trust with peers by expressing the value of their input when you approach them and ask them a question.

You Want to Be a Better, Efficient Leader

When given the role of leader, the first presumption is to think only your thought process matters. This presumption can be incredibly false. In an article from the EDUCAUSE Review, “ Why Asking Good Questions Can Help You Be a Better Leader,” author Joan Cheviere exemplified her experiences as a manager and her internal struggles. She later concluded that she was assuming the thought processes of her teammates. One of the things it means to ask good questions is to establish the people you surround yourself with and not assume that complex thinking is not inherently in your leadership role but extends further. In her example, she shared that leaders of both teams did not only not communicate within their teams, but lack of communication and trust within teams and across sides disrupted workflow because communication was so inept. Allowing yourself as the leader to realize that the thought process extends further than the role and ask the questions from each of your members will truly brand that title.

You Want to Be A Better Learner and Have a More Developed Thought Process

Of course, what could be the most absolute benefit of asking good questions than for your sake! Question can’t be a word without “quest,” and you are on a quest for knowledge. Asking a “good question,” which is a precisely framed complex thought, is a display that you desire to reflect the ideas and purpose of the subject while breaking it down to a minimum. You are concise and want to get to the point of the matter. This is not only a display of intelligence or building intelligence but also states the qualities of being understanding, well-rounded, an independent thinker, and qualities of a leader. So pat yourself on the back that your curiosities and inquiries mean so much more to your character! Yay, you!

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