My 6 Tips on Speed Reading

Tips on Speed Reading-What You Should Know

By Joanna Zuno, April 20th 2021

It's hard enough finding time to read, but it’s even harder to actually absorb what you’re reading. With many pages, chapters, repetitive words, and phrases, it’s easy to get disinterested into something you’ve already started. Here are some tips on how to speed read, stay focused on the material you’re covering and make you a top speed reader.

Tip #1: Quit Inner-monologuing 

You want total mental focus and absorption. Hence, it’s important not to read along out loud. It’s hard to be mentally synchronized while also trying to be vocalized, especially if you have trouble reading certain words or phrases. The most important thing about speed reading is to skim the material at a steady pace your first time. 

Tip #2: Trace and Pace

Speed reading is basically reading steadily in total concentration, moving from one line to the next. A most straightforward technique is just following through with the finger’s steady trace or using a pen to guide your way through while you trailblaze nonstop. You are using your physical and mental self to be aware while you read.

Tip #3: Condense and Shorten

If you really want to go faster in covering material, then start breaking down sentences. Quickly eliminate the most commonly seen words like ‘and,’ ‘or,’ ‘but,’ ‘the,’ and find the subjects in sentences. Condensing sentences this way separates the ‘fluff’ from the actual material, helps you find the key words associated with the book, and gives you a better run through of what’s going on. You’ll also strengthen your personal vocabulary this way too.

Tip #4: Circle and Note

If there are words and phrases you don’t understand or mispronounce, circle them, but continue on forward with the skimming.  When you are finally done reading that first chapter, go flip back through those pages and write down what you circled, define them, and include them with your reflections. You can also make a word bank by each chapter, or by the end of the book and use it in your reflections.

Tip #5: Pause and Reflect

Okay time for a breather. You’ve paced really fast and quickly now you need a mental break. Take your eyes off the pages and rest your eyes from being strained. Ask yourself to recall what you’ve read the last five minutes or ten minutes. Or take a moment to write important words and ideas before you continue on. 

Tip #6: Time Yourself

So you’ve quickly devoured a chapter in the material. Now what? Well, you can take note of how much time it took you to cover it. Look at how long it took you to reach from the beginning to the end and absorb. Now look at the extra time you saved compared to how you would generally read something. Notice the difference? If you think speed reading mentally invigorates you try rereading a chapter again and see if you can go faster.

Hopefully these tips will help you make time in your busy schedule to do a bit of light reading whether for work or leisure!


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